Plastic Surgery
Situation: Isaac Peral 42. Consultation rooms 18, 19 and 20
Phone: Ext. 3312
Head of department: Carmen Cárcamo Hermoso
Opening times: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Specialty: Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora
Plastic surgery is a surgical speciality focused on correcting any congenital, acquired, tumoural or simply involutive process that requires repair or replacement, or that alters the body's form and/or function.
Its techniques are based on transplanting and mobilising tissues by means of grafts and flaps or even inert material implants.
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery seeks to restore or improve function and physical appearance in injuries caused by accidents and burns, in diseases and tumours of the skin and supporting tissues, and in congenital anomalies, mainly of the face, hands and genitals.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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