Plastic Surgery
Peripheral nerve pathology unit
Fundación Jiménez Díaz has a peripheral nerve unit led by the Plastic Surgery Department in which other specialities are also involved.
Peripheral nerves can be injured following accidents, surgery or compression of anatomical structures.
In our unit, we perform diagnosis and surgical treatment whenever necessary.
The techniques we carry out are nerve decompressions, repair of nerve sections by direct suture, nerve grafts/nerve substitutes, and nerve transfers, with the latter being a relatively new technique which is producing remarkable outcomes.
We have the latest technology for nerve repair, always supported intraoperatively by the neurophysiology service. We perform all our interventions with magnifying lenses or a microscope and with a microsurgical technique perfected over many years of experience.
We also perform tendon transfer surgery to correct sequelae, or for patients who are not to undergo nerve surgery.
The pathologies we treat are as follows:
Peripheral nerve compressions: carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, cubital nerve compression, thoracic gorge syndrome, posterior interosseous nerve compression, anterior interosseous nerve compression, external popliteal sciatic nerve compression
- Brachial plexus injuries
- Lumbar plexus injuries
- Facial paralysis
- Nerve tumours
- Neuromas
- Spasticity surgery
- Tendon transfers
- Femoral nerve defect repair after iatrogenic injury
T. Pérez de la Fuente, C. Cárcamo, L. García-Pardo. Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana 44(4):431-435 · Dec 2018.DOI: 10.4321/s0376-78922018000400011
Pérez-de la Fuente T, Fernández-Jara J, Rodríguez-Urcelay P, Jiménez-Heffernan J, Juárez Á.
Hand (N Y). 2017 Sep;12(5):NP136-NP139. doi: 10.1177/1558944717702469. Epub 2017 Apr 9.
T. Pérez de la Fuente · J. Espino · F. Calderón- Muñoz
· J.M. Arévalo
· Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana 09/2015; 41(3):309-313. DOI:10.4321/S0376-78922015000300011.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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