Preventive Medicine
Phone: 915504800
Head of department: María Dolores Martín Ríos
The Preventive Medicine and Public Health service is responsible for:
- Surveillance, prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections: Infection surveillance. Management of infection outbreaks and special risk situations. Special hospitalisation precautions for patients with communicable diseases or colonised by multidrug-resistant microorganisms. Aseptic performance of invasive techniques. Hand hygiene. Appropriate use of antimicrobials. Sterilisation. Disinfection. Environmental biosafety. Cleaning of facilities. Insect and rodent control. Waste management. Training for personnel in preventing infection.
- Public Health: surveillance, reporting and collaboration in the management of Notifiable Diseases (NDD) and contacts, Community Outbreaks, Public Health Alerts. Collaboration in the Hepatitis B prevention programme in newborns.
- Care quality: Nosocomial Infection Indicators. Patient safety: identification, analysis, evaluation and treatment of risk. Recording of activities, follow-up and review of results.
- Institutional participation in Commissions: Infection and Antibiotic Prophylaxis Committee, Health Risk Management Functional Unit, Works Committee, Environmental Committee, Quality Promotion Hub.
- Methodological advice: design of studies, elaboration of databases, statistical analysis and interpretation of results.
- Vaccine consultancy: Vaccination of splenectomised patients and other risk situations.
- Teaching and research: lifelong education for medical and nursing staff. Teaching at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Diseases treated
- Communicable diseases in the Healthcare field.
- Colonisation by multiresistant microorganisms.
- Notifiable Diseases.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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