Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
Situation: Hospitalisation Unit: Floor 7 of the Hospital, entering through Plaza Cristo Rey Mental Health Centres: Ronda de Segovia 2 and C/ Quintana 11. Paediatrics: C/ Quintana 11 Day Hospital: Ronda de Segovia 2
Phone: 91 550 48 00
Head of department: Enrique Baca GarcíaEnrique Baca GarciaEnrique Baca García
Opening times: 10 - 14h.
- Service activity areas and physical spaces:
- Hospitalisation unit.
- Mental Health Centres: Ronda de Segovia 2 and C/ Quintana 11.
- Paediatrics: C/ Quintana 11.
- Day Hospital: Ronda de Segovia 2.
- Technological equipment:
- Psychometric Tests.
- Thymatron System IV to perform Electro-Convulsive Therapy (at Fundación Jiménez Díaz).
Techniques and procedures:
- Diagnostic techniques:
- Instrumental personality diagnosis.
- Psychometric assessment of intelligence.
- Assessment by neuropsychological batteries.
- Developmental assessment.
- Disability and needs assessment.
- Psychiatric social assessment.
- Assessment of chronicity and relapse.
- Assessment of dysfunction.
- Behavioural assessment.
- Motion sensors.
- Therapeutic techniques:
- Psychotherapy
- Brief, focused and dynamically oriented psychotherapy.
- Interpersonal psychotherapy.
- Group psychotherapy.
- Cognitive and behaviour modification psychotherapy.
- Family Psychotherapy.
- Psychotherapy
Biological treatment techniques:
- Treatment with psychotropic drugs.
- Pharmacological treatment in intravenous infusion.
- Monitoring of specific drugs.
- ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy).
- Parenteral nutrition.
- Psycho-educational programmes.
- Psychiatric rehabilitation programmes:
- Individualised rehabilitation plan.
- Specific rehabilitation programmes
- Continuity of care plan.
- Occupational Therapy.
- Corporal expression and psychomotor techniques.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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