Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
Situation: Hospitalisation Unit: Floor 7 of the Hospital, entering through Plaza Cristo Rey Mental Health Centres: Ronda de Segovia 2 and C/ Quintana 11. Paediatrics: C/ Quintana 11 Day Hospital: Ronda de Segovia 2
Phone: 91 550 48 00
Head of department: Enrique Baca GarcíaEnrique Baca GarciaEnrique Baca García
Opening times: 10 - 14h.
Hospitalisation unit
1. A&E:
- Emergency Care
- Therapeutic immobilisation.
- Emergency pharmacological measures.
- Keep patients under observation.
- Registration or transfer for psychiatric admission.
2. Brief Hospitalisation Unit:
- Hospitalisation of acute conditions (adults).
- Therapeutic immobilisation.
- Nursing care plan: Personal care, Group care.
- Specific psychodiagnosis.
- Specific psychopharmacological treatment.
- Specific psychotherapy.
- Specific occupational therapy.
3. Interconsultation:
- Multidisciplinary sleep unit.
- Psycho-oncology.
- Psychogeriatrics.
- Bariatric surgery programme.
- Psychiatry and neurology programme: Functional Disorders Unit.
4. Severe Mental Disorder Unit
The Serious Mental Disorder Unit offers specialised treatment for psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder and other non-affective psychoses) and bipolar disorders. It is a multidisciplinary unit for extended care, with the following goals:
- Intensive treatment during early stages of the disease, specifically targeting the critical period to create a favourable opportunity for enhancing the progression and outcomes of the condition.
- Specialised follow-up after the critical period, with a view to not interrupting patient follow-up or requiring a change of health professional.
- Help prevent relapses and their sequelae.
- Coordinate with hospital care to ensure follow-up at all stages of the disease.
The following are available for this purpose:
- A Day Hospital for patients in the early stages of their disease and in need of intensive care.
- Two Psychiatry consultations for continuous follow-up from the very first episode.
- A Clinical Psychology practice that covers non-pharmacological treatments for patients.
- Four Mental Health Nursing consultation rooms to ensure continuity of care, administering and monitoring pharmacological treatment.
- A Social Work consultation, which covers and coordinates the psychosocial needs of patients.
It offers:
- Specialist individualised psychopharmacological treatment according to each patient's characteristics.
- Non-pharmacological individual and group psychoeducational, family and trauma treatment.
- Continuity of care with health education, monitoring and administering treatments.
- Individualised social assessment according to patients' psychosocial needs.
Mental Health Centres: (Ronda de Segovia 2 and Quintana 11.)
- Severe Mental Disorder.
- Adult ADHD.
- Anxiety Disorders.
- Child-adult continuity.
- Liaison with other specialities.
- Suicidal behaviour attention programme: Code 100.
- Psychogeriatrics.
Paediatrics: C/ Quintana 11
Day Hospital. Ronda de Segovia 2
- Adults.
- Specific day hospitalisation unit.
- Special treatment programmes.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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