Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
Situation: Hospitalisation Unit: Floor 7 of the Hospital, entering through Plaza Cristo Rey Mental Health Centres: Ronda de Segovia 2 and C/ Quintana 11. Paediatrics: C/ Quintana 11 Day Hospital: Ronda de Segovia 2
Phone: 91 550 48 00
Head of department: Enrique Baca GarcíaEnrique Baca GarciaEnrique Baca García
Opening times: 10 - 14h.
- SEPB (Spanish Biological Psychiatry Society) awards for leading researchers for the article "Using Data Mining to Explore Complex Clinical Decisions: A Study of Hospitalisations After a Suicide Attempt" (2007).
- "EPA Research Prizes" in the category "Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories" (2008).
- "Extraordinary Doctorate Award" from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the doctoral thesis for academic year 2007-2008: Diagnostic stability of bipolar disorder". Dr Jorge López Castromán. Directors: Dr Enrique Baca García, Dr Ignacio Basurte Villamor. Madrid, 3rd June 2009.
- EPA Research Prize Winners (2013).
- Best Paper Prize 2015. In the category: "Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders" (2015).
- Finalist "Best in Class 2016" Awards "Best Service in Schizophrenia". 11th Edition of the Best in Class 2016 Awards. Madrid, 25th October 2016.
- Special Presidential Commendation from the American Psychiatric Association in recognition of your outstanding leadership and contributions to clinical and biological suicide research and mentorship with an international reach. Enrique Baca García. 2017 APA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, May 22, San Diego Convention Centre.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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