Situation: Hospitalisation unit: Room 67 - • Day Hospital: There are two day hospitals where rheumatic patients are treated: on the 1st floor in Oncohaematology, and in a room near Endoscopy. Day Hospital Administration: Scheduling and ongoing evaluation of patients in the Day Hospital. The report will indicate the place and specific measures for the day’s administration, with specific rheumatological care in the event of unforeseen events. - • Outpatient Consultation Rooms: Consultation rooms 40 to 44 in Isaac Peral. There is also 1 consultation room on Calle Pontones and 2 on Calle Quintana.
Phone: 915504907
Head of department: Dr. Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont
Opening times: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. outpatient visits, doctor's availability subject to schedule
Specialty: 915504800
- Four consultation rooms and one technical room are available at Isaac Peral outpatient clinic.
- Quintana and Pontones speciality centres have 1 consultation room each.
- There are six beds assigned on the seventh floor of the FJD.
- The Day Hospital is located on the first floor of the FJD.
- The Service also has an Osteoarticular Pathology Research Laboratory in the FJD.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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