• Digestive Endoscopy Unit. The Digestive Endoscopy Unit performs endoscopies, ultrasound scans and functional tests. It has 7 endoscopy rooms, one of which is equipped with an X-ray C-arm, two ultrasound rooms and a functional tests room. It also includes the Day Hospital.
  • Hospitalisation Unit. The Hospitalisation Unit cares for patients who are hospitalised or require scheduled admissions.
  • Outpatient Consultations. Outpatient care is also provided. There are also a number of subspecialities:
    • Haepatology Consultation: for patients with complex liver diseases.
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Consultation: specialised care for patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
    • Coeliac Disease Consultation: includes the option of intraepithelial lymphocyte lymphogram by flow cytometry.
    • Consultation of Pancreatic Diseases.
    • High-Risk CRC Consultation: to monitor complex polyps and patients at high risk of colorectal cancer.
    • Barrett's Oesophagus and Eosinophilic Oesophagitis Consultation