Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Prenatal Diagnostic Unit.
The Unit is located on the first floor of the hospital. It has two consultation rooms with high-resolution ultrasound scanners, and an observation room to monitor pregnant women undergoing invasive tests.
Care is focused on ultrasound monitoring during pregnancy: screening (for chromosomopathies, preeclampsia, premature birth, intrauterine growth restriction, etc.), foetal echocardiography, foetal neurosonography, foetal growth monitoring, diagnosis of malformations and invasive tests.
The unit can also offer genetic counselling thanks to close collaboration with the Genetics Service at our hospital, where all the current techniques required for prenatal diagnosis are performed: karyotyping, QF-cgh, prenatal arrays and massive sequencing.
Assessment by specialist paediatricians, laboratory tests and imaging tests (e.g. magnetic resonance) are performed for pregnant women as necessary.
A congenital defects committee analyses all cases detected on a weekly basis.
And it has been a benchmark training centre for several decades.
Assistance in monitoring and controlling pregnancy and childbirth.
The "Obstetrics Block", known more commonly as the delivery room, is located on the fourth floor of the most modern building in the hospital. It has rooms for dilation, delivery and immediate supervision of the newborn, and an operating room for Caesarean sections.
The hospital maintains a permanent on-duty staff, including an anaesthesiologist, always prioritising safety when delivering obstetric care.
On their first visit, mothers-to-be are given a comprehensive obstetric calendar, detailing the recommended dates, locations and tests for monitoring their pregnancy according to best practice guidelines.
Mothers-to-be are provided with a comprehensive obstetric calendar during their first visit, detailing the recommended dates, locations, and tests for pregnancy monitoring based on best practice guidelines.
There is a firm commitment to breastfeeding, with training, rooms, and expert professionals.
High obstetric risk.
Obstetric care in a high-complexity hospital includes dedicated consultations and resources for multidisciplinary follow-up of pregnancies categorised as "high-risk". Expert obstetricians are on hand for pregnant women in such cases, while multidisciplinary committees tailored to the specific pathology play an active role in their care.
Lower Genital Tract Pathology and Hysteroscopy Unit.
Located in the outpatient building on Calle Isaac Peral. It has a daily space for outpatient consultations, which also includes an examination room equipped with a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner.
Care covers all the pathology of the female lower genital tract.
The Unit also has an outpatient gynaecological procedures room on the first floor of the HUFJD, with a consultation room, a room for specific treatments, and a recovery room. It is equipped with a colposcope, hysteroscope and CO2 laser equipment. Care covers all outpatient interventions on the lower genital tract: conisation, laser therapy, resection of polyps, septa, myomas, etc., performed with inhalation analgesia and/or local anaesthesia.
Hysteroscopic procedures that do not require this type of analgesia/anaesthesia are performed in the Department's main operating room.
Pelvic Floor and Pelvic Pain Unit.
Located in the outpatient building on Calle Isaac Peral. Outpatient consultations are available 3 days a week, with an examination room equipped with a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner and a CO2 laser for treating genuine stress urinary incontinence.
Care encompasses a wide range of conditions, including female pelvic floor pathology, chronic pelvic pain, and genito-urinary syndrome associated with menopause.
It has a weekly operating room as part of the main service.
Endometriosis Unit.
Located in the outpatient building on Calle Isaac Peral. Outpatient consultations are available once a week, with an examination room equipped with a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner.
The unit offers comprehensive care for this complex disease, in close collaboration with our Human Reproduction Unit.
It has an operating room as part of the main service.
Functional Gynaecology Unit.
Located in the outpatient building on Calle Isaac Peral. Outpatient consultations are available once a week, with an examination room equipped with a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner.
The Unit offers comprehensive care for disorders of the female genital tract and regulation via the cortex-hypothalamus-pituitary axis.
Breast Pathology Unit.
The Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service's Breast Pathology Unit is part of the HUFJD's Accredited Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology Unit, which in turn is part of the Oncohealth Institute.
A daily consultation is available in the morning and afternoon/evening, both at the Oncohealth Institute itself and at Argüelles and Pontones Speciality Centres.
The activity covers all breast pathologies (both medical and surgical or reconstructive), offering comprehensive, high-quality care while meeting all women's health needs and demands.
It has two weekly operating rooms as part of the main service.
Gynaecological Oncology Unit.
Part of the Oncohealth Institute, it has three weekly consultations in the morning and afternoon, all in the Oncohealth Institute itself.
The activity covers all oncologic pathology of the female genital tract. It offers care focused on women, their healthcare and their satisfaction.
It has two weekly operating rooms as part of the main service.
Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2
28040 Madrid Madrid
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